Source code for gnsq.consumer

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import absolute_import, division

import logging
import random
import time

from collections import defaultdict
from itertools import cycle

import blinker
import gevent

from gevent.event import Event
from gevent.pool import Group

from .backofftimer import BackoffTimer
from .decorators import cached_property
from .errors import NSQException, NSQRequeueMessage, NSQSocketError
from .nsqd import NsqdTCPClient
from .util import parse_nsqds, parse_lookupds

[docs]class Consumer(object): """High level NSQ consumer. A Consumer will connect to the nsqd tcp addresses or poll the provided nsqlookupd http addresses for the configured topic and send signals to message handlers connected to the :attr:`on_message` signal or provided by ``message_handler``. Messages will automatically be finished when the message handle returns unless :meth:`message.enable_async() <gnsq.Message.enable_async>` is called. If an exception occurs or :class:`~gnsq.errors.NSQRequeueMessage` is raised, the message will be requeued. The Consumer will handle backing off of failed messages up to a configurable ``max_interval`` as well as automatically reconnecting to dropped connections. Example usage:: from gnsq import Consumer consumer = gnsq.Consumer('topic', 'channel', 'localhost:4150') @consumer.on_message.connect def handler(consumer, message): print 'got message:', message.body consumer.start() :param topic: specifies the desired NSQ topic :param channel: specifies the desired NSQ channel :param nsqd_tcp_addresses: a sequence of string addresses of the nsqd instances this consumer should connect to :param lookupd_http_addresses: a sequence of string addresses of the nsqlookupd instances this consumer should query for producers of the specified topic :param name: a string that is used for logging messages (defaults to ``'gnsq.consumer.{topic}.{channel}'``) :param message_handler: the callable that will be executed for each message received :param max_tries: the maximum number of attempts the consumer will make to process a message after which messages will be automatically discarded :param max_in_flight: the maximum number of messages this consumer will pipeline for processing. this value will be divided evenly amongst the configured/discovered nsqd producers :param requeue_delay: the default delay to use when requeueing a failed message :param lookupd_poll_interval: the amount of time in seconds between querying all of the supplied nsqlookupd instances. A random amount of time based on this value will be initially introduced in order to add jitter when multiple consumers are running :param lookupd_poll_jitter: the maximum fractional amount of jitter to add to the lookupd poll loop. This helps evenly distribute requests even if multiple consumers restart at the same time. :param low_ready_idle_timeout: the amount of time in seconds to wait for a message from a producer when in a state where RDY counts are re-distributed (ie. `max_in_flight` < `num_producers`) :param max_backoff_duration: the maximum time we will allow a backoff state to last in seconds. If zero, backoff wil not occur :param backoff_on_requeue: if ``False``, backoff will only occur on exception :param **kwargs: passed to :class:`~gnsq.NsqdTCPClient` initialization """ def __init__(self, topic, channel, nsqd_tcp_addresses=[], lookupd_http_addresses=[], name=None, message_handler=None, max_tries=5, max_in_flight=1, requeue_delay=0, lookupd_poll_interval=60, lookupd_poll_jitter=0.3, low_ready_idle_timeout=10, max_backoff_duration=128, backoff_on_requeue=True, **kwargs): if not nsqd_tcp_addresses and not lookupd_http_addresses: raise ValueError('must specify at least one nsqd or lookupd') self.nsqd_tcp_addresses = parse_nsqds(nsqd_tcp_addresses) self.lookupds = parse_lookupds(lookupd_http_addresses) self.iterlookupds = cycle(self.lookupds) self.topic = topic = channel self.max_tries = max_tries self.max_in_flight = max_in_flight self.requeue_delay = requeue_delay self.lookupd_poll_interval = lookupd_poll_interval self.lookupd_poll_jitter = lookupd_poll_jitter self.low_ready_idle_timeout = low_ready_idle_timeout self.backoff_on_requeue = backoff_on_requeue self.max_backoff_duration = max_backoff_duration self.conn_kwargs = kwargs if name: = name else: = '%s.%s.%s' % (__name__, self.topic, if message_handler is not None: self.on_message.connect(message_handler, weak=False) self.logger = logging.getLogger( self._state = INIT self._redistributed_ready_event = Event() self._connection_backoffs = defaultdict(self._create_backoff) self._message_backoffs = defaultdict(self._create_backoff) self._connections = {} self._workers = Group() self._killables = Group()
[docs] @cached_property def on_message(self): """Emitted when a message is received. The signal sender is the consumer and the ``message`` is sent as an argument. The ``message_handler`` param is connected to this signal. """ return blinker.Signal(doc='Emitted when a message is received.')
[docs] @cached_property def on_response(self): """Emitted when a response is received. The signal sender is the consumer and the ``response`` is sent as an argument. """ return blinker.Signal(doc='Emitted when a response is received.')
[docs] @cached_property def on_error(self): """Emitted when an error is received. The signal sender is the consumer and the ``error`` is sent as an argument. """ return blinker.Signal(doc='Emitted when a error is received.')
[docs] @cached_property def on_finish(self): """Emitted after a message is successfully finished. The signal sender is the consumer and the ``message_id`` is sent as an argument. """ return blinker.Signal(doc='Emitted after the a message is finished.')
[docs] @cached_property def on_requeue(self): """Emitted after a message is requeued. The signal sender is the consumer and the ``message_id`` and ``timeout`` are sent as arguments. """ return blinker.Signal(doc='Emitted after the a message is requeued.')
[docs] @cached_property def on_giving_up(self): """Emitted after a giving up on a message. Emitted when a message has exceeded the maximum number of attempts (``max_tries``) and will no longer be requeued. This is useful to perform tasks such as writing to disk, collecting statistics etc. The signal sender is the consumer and the ``message`` is sent as an argument. """ return blinker.Signal(doc='Sent after a giving up on a message.')
[docs] @cached_property def on_auth(self): """Emitted after a connection is successfully authenticated. The signal sender is the consumer and the ``conn`` and parsed ``response`` are sent as arguments. """ return blinker.Signal(doc='Emitted when a response is received.')
[docs] @cached_property def on_exception(self): """Emitted when an exception is caught while handling a message. The signal sender is the consumer and the ``message`` and ``error`` are sent as arguments. """ return blinker.Signal(doc='Emitted when an exception is caught.')
[docs] @cached_property def on_close(self): """Emitted after :meth:`close`. The signal sender is the consumer. """ return blinker.Signal(doc='Emitted after the consumer is closed.')
[docs] def start(self, block=True): """Start discovering and listing to connections.""" if self._state == INIT: if not any(self.on_message.receivers_for(blinker.ANY)): raise RuntimeError('no receivers connected to on_message') self.logger.debug('starting %s...', self._state = RUNNING self.query_nsqd() if self.lookupds: self.query_lookupd() self._killables.add(self._workers.spawn(self._poll_lookupd)) self._killables.add(self._workers.spawn(self._poll_ready)) else: self.logger.warn('%s already started', if block: self.join()
[docs] def close(self): """Immediately close all connections and stop workers.""" if not self.is_running: return self._state = CLOSED self.logger.debug('killing %d worker(s)', len(self._killables)) self._killables.kill(block=False) self.logger.debug('closing %d connection(s)', len(self._connections)) for conn in self._connections: conn.close_stream() self.on_close.send(self)
[docs] def join(self, timeout=None, raise_error=False): """Block until all connections have closed and workers stopped.""" self._workers.join(timeout, raise_error)
@property def is_running(self): """Check if consumer is currently running.""" return self._state == RUNNING @property def is_starved(self): """Evaluate whether any of the connections are starved. This property should be used by message handlers to reliably identify when to process a batch of messages. """ return any(conn.is_starved for conn in self._connections) @property def total_ready_count(self): return sum(c.ready_count for c in self._connections) @property def total_in_flight(self): return sum(c.in_flight for c in self._connections) def query_nsqd(self): self.logger.debug('querying nsqd...') for address in self.nsqd_tcp_addresses: address, port = address.split(':') self.connect_to_nsqd(address, int(port)) def query_lookupd(self): self.logger.debug('querying lookupd...') lookupd = next(self.iterlookupds) try: producers = lookupd.lookup(self.topic)['producers'] self.logger.debug('found %d producers', len(producers)) except Exception as error: self.logger.warn( 'Failed to lookup %s on %s (%s)', self.topic, lookupd.address, error) return for producer in producers: self.connect_to_nsqd( producer['broadcast_address'], producer['tcp_port']) def _poll_lookupd(self): try: delay = self.lookupd_poll_interval * self.lookupd_poll_jitter gevent.sleep(random.random() * delay) while True: gevent.sleep(self.lookupd_poll_interval) self.query_lookupd() except gevent.GreenletExit: pass def _poll_ready(self): try: while True: if self._redistributed_ready_event.wait(5): self._redistributed_ready_event.clear() self._redistribute_ready_state() except gevent.GreenletExit: pass def _redistribute_ready_state(self): if not self.is_running: return if len(self._connections) > self.max_in_flight: ready_state = self._get_unsaturated_ready_state() else: ready_state = self._get_saturated_ready_state() for conn, count in ready_state.items(): if conn.ready_count == count: self.logger.debug('[%s] RDY count already %d', conn, count) continue self.logger.debug('[%s] sending RDY %d', conn, count) try: conn.ready(count) except NSQSocketError as error: self.logger.warn('[%s] RDY %d failed (%r)', conn, count, error) def _get_unsaturated_ready_state(self): ready_state = {} active = [] for conn, state in self._connections.items(): if state == BACKOFF: ready_state[conn] = 0 else: active.append(conn) random.shuffle(active) for conn in active[self.max_in_flight:]: ready_state[conn] = 0 for conn in active[:self.max_in_flight]: ready_state[conn] = 1 return ready_state def _get_saturated_ready_state(self): ready_state = {} active = [] now = time.time() for conn, state in self._connections.items(): if state == BACKOFF: ready_state[conn] = 0 elif state in (INIT, THROTTLED): ready_state[conn] = 1 elif (now - conn.last_message) > self.low_ready_idle_timeout: '[%s] idle connection, giving up RDY count', conn) ready_state[conn] = 1 else: active.append(conn) if not active: return ready_state ready_available = self.max_in_flight - sum(ready_state.values()) connection_max_in_flight = ready_available // len(active) for conn in active: ready_state[conn] = connection_max_in_flight for conn in random.sample(active, ready_available % len(active)): ready_state[conn] += 1 return ready_state def redistribute_ready_state(self): self._redistributed_ready_event.set() def connect_to_nsqd(self, address, port): if not self.is_running: return conn = NsqdTCPClient(address, port, **self.conn_kwargs) if conn in self._connections: self.logger.debug('[%s] already connected', conn) return self._connections[conn] = INIT self.logger.debug('[%s] connecting...', conn) conn.on_message.connect(self.handle_message) conn.on_response.connect(self.handle_response) conn.on_error.connect(self.handle_error) conn.on_finish.connect(self.handle_finish) conn.on_requeue.connect(self.handle_requeue) conn.on_auth.connect(self.handle_auth) try: conn.connect() conn.identify() if conn.max_ready_count < self.max_in_flight: msg = ( '[%s] max RDY count %d < consumer max in flight %d, ' 'truncation possible') self.logger.warning( msg, conn, conn.max_ready_count, self.max_in_flight) conn.subscribe(self.topic, except NSQException as error: self.logger.warn('[%s] connection failed (%r)', conn, error) self.handle_connection_failure(conn) return # Check if we've closed since we started if not self.is_running: self.handle_connection_failure(conn) return'[%s] connection successful', conn) self.handle_connection_success(conn) def _listen(self, conn): try: conn.listen() except NSQException as error: self.logger.warning('[%s] connection lost (%r)', conn, error) self.handle_connection_failure(conn) def handle_connection_success(self, conn): self._workers.spawn(self._listen, conn) self.redistribute_ready_state() if str(conn) not in self.nsqd_tcp_addresses: return self._connection_backoffs[conn].success() def handle_connection_failure(self, conn): del self._connections[conn] conn.close_stream() if not self.is_running: return self.redistribute_ready_state() if str(conn) not in self.nsqd_tcp_addresses: return seconds = self._connection_backoffs[conn].failure().get_interval() self.logger.debug('[%s] retrying in %ss', conn, seconds) gevent.spawn_later( seconds, self.connect_to_nsqd, conn.address, conn.port) def handle_auth(self, conn, response): metadata = [] if response.get('identity'): metadata.append("Identity: %r" % response['identity']) if response.get('permission_count'): metadata.append("Permissions: %d" % response['permission_count']) if response.get('identity_url'): metadata.append(response['identity_url'])'[%s] AUTH accepted %s', conn, ' '.join(metadata)) self.on_auth.send(self, conn=conn, response=response) def handle_response(self, conn, response): self.logger.debug('[%s] response: %s', conn, response) self.on_response.send(self, response=response) def handle_error(self, conn, error): self.logger.debug('[%s] error: %s', conn, error) self.on_error.send(self, error=error) def _handle_message(self, message): if self.max_tries and message.attempts > self.max_tries: self.logger.warning( "giving up on message '%s' after max tries %d",, self.max_tries) self.on_giving_up.send(self, message=message) return message.finish() self.on_message.send(self, message=message) if not self.is_running: return if message.is_async(): return if message.has_responded(): return message.finish() def handle_message(self, conn, message): self.logger.debug('[%s] got message: %s', conn, try: return self._handle_message(message) except NSQRequeueMessage as error: if error.backoff is None: backoff = self.backoff_on_requeue else: backoff = error.backoff except Exception as error: backoff = True self.logger.exception( '[%s] caught exception while handling message', conn) self.on_exception.send(self, message=message, error=error) if not self.is_running: return if message.has_responded(): return try: message.requeue(self.requeue_delay, backoff) except NSQException as error: self.logger.warning( '[%s] error requeueing message (%r)', conn, error) def _create_backoff(self): return BackoffTimer(max_interval=self.max_backoff_duration) def _start_backoff(self, conn): self._connections[conn] = BACKOFF interval = self._message_backoffs[conn].get_interval() gevent.spawn_later(interval, self._start_throttled, conn)'[%s] backing off for %s seconds', conn, interval) self.redistribute_ready_state() def _start_throttled(self, conn): if self._connections.get(conn) != BACKOFF: return self._connections[conn] = THROTTLED'[%s] testing backoff state with RDY 1', conn) self.redistribute_ready_state() def _complete_backoff(self, conn): if self._message_backoffs[conn].is_reset(): self._connections[conn] = RUNNING'backoff complete, resuming normal operation') self.redistribute_ready_state() else: self._start_backoff(conn) def _finish_message(self, conn, backoff): if not self.max_backoff_duration: return try: state = self._connections[conn] except KeyError: return if state == BACKOFF: return if backoff: self._message_backoffs[conn].failure() self._start_backoff(conn) elif state == THROTTLED: self._message_backoffs[conn].success() self._complete_backoff(conn) elif state == INIT: self._connections[conn] = RUNNING self.redistribute_ready_state() def handle_finish(self, conn, message_id): self.logger.debug('[%s] finished message: %s', conn, message_id) self._finish_message(conn, backoff=False) self.on_finish.send(self, message_id=message_id) def handle_requeue(self, conn, message_id, timeout, backoff): self.logger.debug( '[%s] requeued message: %s (%s)', conn, message_id, timeout) self._finish_message(conn, backoff=backoff) self.on_requeue.send(self, message_id=message_id, timeout=timeout)