Source code for gnsq.contrib.batch

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import logging
import warnings

import gevent.queue
import gevent.pool

from gnsq.errors import NSQException

TIMEOUT_WARNING = 'batching timed out. batch size may be to large'
STARVED_WARNING = 'consumer is starved. batch size may be to large'

[docs]class BatchHandler(object): """Batch message handler for gnsq. It is recommended to use a max inflight greater than the batch size. Example usage:: >>> consumer = Consumer('topic', 'worker', max_in_flight=16) >>> consumer.on_message.connect(BatchHandler(8, my_handler), weak=False) """ def __init__(self, batch_size, handle_batch=None, handle_message=None, handle_batch_error=None, handle_message_error=None, timeout=10, spawn=gevent.spawn): self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) self.message_channel = gevent.queue.Channel() self.batch_size = batch_size self.timeout = timeout if isinstance(spawn, int): spawn = gevent.pool.Pool(spawn).spawn self.spawn = spawn if handle_batch is not None: self.handle_batch = handle_batch if handle_message is not None: self.handle_message = handle_message if handle_batch_error is not None: self.handle_batch_error = handle_batch_error if handle_message_error is not None: self.handle_message_error = handle_message_error self.worker = gevent.spawn(self._run) def __call__(self, consumer, message): message.enable_async() self.message_channel.put(message) if consumer.is_starved: self.message_channel.put(StopIteration) def _run(self): while True: messages = [] while len(messages) < self.batch_size: try: message = self.message_channel.get(timeout=self.timeout) except gevent.queue.Empty: warnings.warn(TIMEOUT_WARNING, RuntimeWarning) break if message is StopIteration: warnings.warn(STARVED_WARNING, RuntimeWarning) break messages.append(message) if messages: self.spawn(self.run_batch, messages) def finish_message(self, message): try: message.finish() except NSQException as error: self.logger.warning('error finishing message (%r)', error) def finish_messages(self, messages): for message in messages: if message.has_responded(): continue self.finish_message(message) def requeue_message(self, message): try: message.requeue() except NSQException as error: self.logger.warning('error requeueing message (%r)', error) def requeue_messages(self, messages): for message in messages: if message.has_responded(): continue self.requeue_message(message) def run_batch(self, messages): batch = [] for message in messages: try: batch.append(self.handle_message(message)) except Exception as error: self.logger.exception('caught exception while handling message') self.handle_message_error(error, message) self.requeue_message(message) if batch: try: self.handle_batch(batch) except Exception as error: self.logger.exception('caught exception while handling batch') self.handle_batch_error(error, messages, batch) self.requeue_messages(messages) return self.finish_messages(messages)
[docs] def handle_message(self, message): """Handle a single message. Over ride this to provide some processing and an individual message. The result of this function is what is passed to :meth:`handle_batch`. This may be overridden or passed into the constructor. By default it simply returns the message. Raising an exception in :meth:`handle_message` will cause that message to be requeued and excluded from the batch. """ return message
[docs] def handle_batch(self, messages): """Handle a batch message. Processes a batch of messages. You must provide a :meth:`handle_batch` function to the constructor or override this method. Raising an exception in :meth:`handle_batch` will cause all messages in the batch to be requeued. """ raise RuntimeError('handle_message must be overridden')
[docs] def handle_message_error(self, error, message): """Handle an exception processesing an individual message. This may be overridden or passed into the constructor. """ pass
[docs] def handle_batch_error(self, error, messages, batch): """Handle an exception processsing a batch of messages. This may be overridden or passed into the constructor. """ pass