Source code for gnsq.message

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import absolute_import
import blinker
from .decorators import cached_property
from .errors import NSQException

[docs]class Message(object): """A class representing a message received from nsqd.""" def __init__(self, timestamp, attempts, id, body): self.timestamp = timestamp self.attempts = attempts = id self.body = body self._has_responded = False self._is_async = False
[docs] @cached_property def on_finish(self): """Emitted after :meth:`finish`. The signal sender is the message instance. """ return blinker.Signal(doc='Emitted after message is finished.')
[docs] @cached_property def on_requeue(self): """Emitted after :meth:`requeue`. The signal sender is the message instance and sends the ``timeout`` and a ``backoff`` flag as arguments. """ return blinker.Signal(doc='Emitted after message is requeued.')
[docs] @cached_property def on_touch(self): """Emitted after :meth:`touch`. The signal sender is the message instance. """ return blinker.Signal(doc='Emitted after message is touched.')
[docs] def enable_async(self): """Enables asynchronous processing for this message. :class:`~gnsq.Consumer` will not automatically respond to the message upon return of :meth:`~gnsq.Consumer.handle_message`. """ self._is_async = True
[docs] def is_async(self): """Returns whether or not asynchronous processing has been enabled.""" return self._is_async
[docs] def has_responded(self): """Returns whether or not this message has been responded to.""" return self._has_responded
[docs] def finish(self): """ Respond to nsqd that you’ve processed this message successfully (or would like to silently discard it). """ if self._has_responded: raise NSQException('already responded') self._has_responded = True self.on_finish.send(self)
[docs] def requeue(self, time_ms=0, backoff=True): """ Respond to nsqd that you’ve failed to process this message successfully (and would like it to be requeued). """ if self._has_responded: raise NSQException('already responded') self._has_responded = True self.on_requeue.send(self, timeout=time_ms, backoff=backoff)
[docs] def touch(self): """Respond to nsqd that you need more time to process the message.""" if self._has_responded: raise NSQException('already responded') self.on_touch.send(self)