Producer: high-level message writer

class gnsq.Producer(nsqd_tcp_addresses=[], max_backoff_duration=128, **kwargs)[source]

High level NSQ producer.

A Producer will connect to the nsqd tcp addresses and support async publishing (PUB & MPUB & DPUB) of messages to nsqd over the TCP protocol.

Example publishing a message:

from gnsq import Producer

producer = Producer('localhost:4150')
producer.publish('topic', b'hello world')
  • nsqd_tcp_addresses – a sequence of string addresses of the nsqd instances this consumer should connect to
  • max_backoff_duration – the maximum time we will allow a backoff state to last in seconds. If zero, backoff wil not occur
  • **kwargs

    passed to NsqdTCPClient initialization


Immediately close all connections and stop workers.


Check if the producer is currently running.

join(timeout=None, raise_error=False)[source]

Block until all connections have closed and workers stopped.

multipublish(topic, messages, block=True, timeout=None, raise_error=True)[source]

Publish an iterable of messages to the given topic.

  • topic – the topic to publish to
  • messages – iterable of bytestrings to publish
  • block – wait for a connection to become available before publishing the message. If block is False and no connections are available, NSQNoConnections is raised
  • timeout – if timeout is a positive number, it blocks at most timeout seconds before raising NSQNoConnections
  • raise_error – if True, it blocks until a response is received from the nsqd server, and any error response is raised. Otherwise an AsyncResult is returned

Emitted after a connection is successfully authenticated.

The signal sender is the consumer and the conn and parsed response are sent as arguments.


Emitted after close().

The signal sender is the consumer.


Emitted when an error is received.

The signal sender is the consumer and the error is sent as an argument.


Emitted when a response is received.

The signal sender is the consumer and the ` ` is sent as an argument.

publish(topic, data, defer=None, block=True, timeout=None, raise_error=True)[source]

Publish a message to the given topic.

  • topic – the topic to publish to
  • data – bytestring data to publish
  • defer – duration in milliseconds to defer before publishing (requires nsq 0.3.6)
  • block – wait for a connection to become available before publishing the message. If block is False and no connections are available, NSQNoConnections is raised
  • timeout – if timeout is a positive number, it blocks at most timeout seconds before raising NSQNoConnections
  • raise_error – if True, it blocks until a response is received from the nsqd server, and any error response is raised. Otherwise an AsyncResult is returned

Start discovering and listing to connections.